In the SI measurement system, the names for multiples and subdivisions of any unit of measurement can be derived by combining the name of the unit with prefixes that denote different exponential values. For example, one thousand meters can be referred to as one kilometer. Use the chart below to derive names for any unit of measurement.
1,000,000,000,000 | 1012 | tera | T | Trillion | terahertz |
1,000,000,000 | 109 | giga | G | Billion | gigawatts |
1,000,000 | 106 | mega | M | Million | megabyte |
1,000 | 103 | kilo | k | Thousand | kilometer |
100 | 102 | hecto | h | Hundred | hectometer |
10 | 101 | deka | da | Ten | dekagram |
0.1 | 10-1 | deci | d | Tenth | decibel |
0.01 | 10-2 | centi | c | Hundredth | centimeter |
0.001 | 10-3 | milli | d | Thousandth | milligram |
0.000001 | 10-6 | micro | µ | Millionth | micrometer |
0.000000001 | 10-9 | nano | n | Billionth | nanogram |
0.000000000001 | 10-12 | pico | p | Trillionth | picogram |
We carry a wide array of sensors including Linear Potentiometers, Linear Variable Inductance Transducers (LVIT's), and Linear Variable Differential Transducers (LVDT's) that are capable of measuring at both large and small scale.
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